Tell us why you aren't showing AdMob ads yet.

A quick, one click survey to help us help you better.
AdMob by Google
Your Publisher ID: ca-app-pub-3213408464096368
What's the main reason you don't show ads yet?
We saw you have signed up for AdMob, but haven't started showing ads yet. In just one click, you can let us know how to help you get started earning money with AdMob.
Don't have an app
I don't have an app to monetize yet, specifically…
I have an app idea but haven't started coding
I'm still developing my app
I'm just testing AdMob account creation
Have an app
I do have an app to monetize but...
I'm having technical issues getting started with AdMob ads
I'm testing AdMob ads right now
I'm deciding on the best way to make money from my app
(e.g. paid downloads, in-app purchases, other ad networks)
Thanks for letting us know.
The AdMob Team
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