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Bet you thought I forgot my subject line right? Wrong!
It was intentional. How s that for a pattern interrupt?!
The weekend is here and so am I. Don t start sighing now... I know you missed me.

I already did send you a couple of eMails about the new awesome Program called Let´Multiply, but unfortunately, I see that you are still not sure what to do with Let´s Multiply ( LM )...
Watch the Video ==> https://www.letsmultiply.com/?m=allinonebox
Well, you know that more and more people are joining LM each day and each of the new users is INFRONT of you, so the longer you wait, the bigger is the crowd that is ahead of you, but don´t worry, there is still plenty of time.
LM is just about 1 month old and there are many people that haven´t heard of LM yet.
I can only urge you to get going, like me, I was a bit sceptical first too, and to be honest, I considered iLM kind of FUN, so I decided to sign in and activate Wave ONE, then I mailed a short notice to my list, and bam, to my surprise, 15 people joined, 6 activated wave one, 3 activated two waves, means that I lost $75 in an instant.
That made me thinking, hmmmmm, why the heck is this so easy?
I went to the "How it Works" page in my LM Back Office and watched the Video 4 Times and all of a sudden, it made CLICK
I totally underestimated the power this system has.
Logical move: I activated Wave TWO and THREE
My next action was, a mailing via Herculist
GREAT MOVE, 7 new subscribers! 4 Activations - 2 new WAVE THREE users
But the best is yet to come, one of these NEW users brought in 11 people in TWO DAYS among them: 2 WAVE TWO users (another 11x $10 and 2x$25)
From this point on, I was absolutely captured, and I am convinced that Let´s Multiply also will skyrocket YOUR income and funnel in unstoppable payments!
So long
Serge Blote
P.S: LM is THIS WAY ==> https://www.letsmultiply.com/?m=allinonebox

This ad has been submitted by a Pro member and is worth 25 points! <br>Click this link to receive credit!


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