How IWT Saved my business
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This ad has been submitted by a Pro member and is worth 25 points! <br>Click this link to receive credit!
When I first heard about IWT, my first reaction was Yeah, sure. and I
let the offer pass.
A couple of weeks later, after another business closed its doors taking
my complete list and their auto-responder with them, I knew it was
time for an attitude change and some serious action.
I found a mail offering this Business Building platform and a brand new teambuild, so I
decided to give it a chance. If it did not do what they said then it would
be me closing my doors.
What can I say that would adequately express what this has done for
My list - steadily growing, my autoresponder chugging away feeding those
hungry prospects. Most of my daily workload done in mere hours. Now
I had the time to work on more effective marketing ideas and know that
IWT would be right there to help me reach my target market.
You could have the same opportunity I found with IWT. Life on the net
is not the easiest way to realizing a dream. Sales make it happen. New
and hungry customers keep your business growing. Affiliates need as
many of those hot prospects as any business owner does.
If you are ready to change your future to a happier more fulfilled place
then take up this offer. Connect and see how IWT can provide the solution
to your growing business needs.
Rob Howells
This ad has been submitted by a Pro member and is worth 25 points! <br>Click this link to receive credit!
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name: rita joe
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P.O. Box 3255
Dubuque, Ia, 52004-3255
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This ad has been submitted by a Pro member and is worth 25 points! <br>Click this link to receive credit!
When I first heard about IWT, my first reaction was Yeah, sure. and I
let the offer pass.
A couple of weeks later, after another business closed its doors taking
my complete list and their auto-responder with them, I knew it was
time for an attitude change and some serious action.
I found a mail offering this Business Building platform and a brand new teambuild, so I
decided to give it a chance. If it did not do what they said then it would
be me closing my doors.
What can I say that would adequately express what this has done for
My list - steadily growing, my autoresponder chugging away feeding those
hungry prospects. Most of my daily workload done in mere hours. Now
I had the time to work on more effective marketing ideas and know that
IWT would be right there to help me reach my target market.
You could have the same opportunity I found with IWT. Life on the net
is not the easiest way to realizing a dream. Sales make it happen. New
and hungry customers keep your business growing. Affiliates need as
many of those hot prospects as any business owner does.
If you are ready to change your future to a happier more fulfilled place
then take up this offer. Connect and see how IWT can provide the solution
to your growing business needs.
Rob Howells
This ad has been submitted by a Pro member and is worth 25 points! <br>Click this link to receive credit!
If the ad in this e-mail contains illegal,
offensive or adult material whatsoever,
please forward the e-mail to
This message has been sent to you because you have personally
joined Herculist, a service. You can remove
yourself by logging into your Members Area and clicking on
the "UNSUBSCRIBE" button: (it can take a few hours
to be completely removed)
If you have trouble removing your account, please send an
e-mail to and include your Herculist
name: rita joe
If you would like to send a question to the member that
submitted this ad, click the link below. If you click reply
in your email program the member who submitted the ad will
never get it. This is done to protect the privacy of our members.
AOL Users Click here. <a href=></a>
P.O. Box 3255
Dubuque, Ia, 52004-3255
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