rita, People Helping People Worldwide Launches Nov 15th

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Hello rita,

PeopleHelpingPeopleWorldWide will be the official site
when opened November 15th. Its a one-time fee of $50.00
which you can pay by credit card or bitcoin.

You can choose your charity.

Presently our team building site is up for registration
here http://www.PHPATW.com to help members earn.

The things that make this opportunity legit is as you pay
a product is purchased. Automated upgrades also have
a product attached. You select the charity of your choice
for the crowdfunding portion of the program.

If you are looking for something that will last and is
affordable for everyone, with earning potential that is
just plain insane with a little effort, then don't hesitate.

Place my name ANDY NEWSOME in the sponsor box and lets get
you on your way to financial success!

Pay with Bitcoin!!!  Will pay out weekly via BTC or check.
Put my name ANDY NEWSOME in the sponsor box.

The website is http://www.phpatw.com/

May this be the beginning of your lifetime of financial success.

Andy Newsome

This ad has been submitted by a Gold member and is worth 50 points! <br>Click this link to receive credit!


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P.O. Box 3255
Dubuque, Ia, 52004-3255

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