OMG this is URGENT!

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This ad has been submitted by a Pro member and is worth 25 points! <br>Click this link to receive credit!

Hi rita,

This is just about to launch!!

This will be the largest Affiliate Marketing
and Network Marketing launch in History.


It is in the Fitness Industry, it's creators
Joel Therien put together an AMAZING
system where you can ..

[+] Make an unlimited income potential
[+] Help people get in the best shape of their LIVES
[+] Educate people to help prevent Obesity and Diabetes

Timing is EVERYTHING.. the site launches

So you will want to get on the VIP notification
list NOW.. it's free to get on the list..

Be the first to be notified so you can LOCK IN
your position at the very top of this fantastic
opportunity with me!

Just visit


Remember, it is free to get on the list so
lock in now!

Peter Murrell

This ad has been submitted by a Pro member and is worth 25 points! <br>Click this link to receive credit!


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name: rita joe
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in your email program the member who submitted the ad will
never get it. This is done to protect the privacy of our members.!
AOL Users Click here. <a href=!>!</a>
P.O. Box 3255
Dubuque, Ia, 52004-3255

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