Too busy earning a living to make any money, rita?

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You think you've got problems, rita?

I remember the day a car dealer got a little nervous because I was a couple of months behind in my payments and repossessed my car. 

Now I own my cars because I pay cash for them.

I remember the day my wife phoned me, crying because the landlord had shown up at the house, demanding his rent
and we didn't have the money to pay it.

Now we live on a spacious 10,000 sq. ft. property in beautiful sunny California.

I remember when I lost my job. Because I was head over heels in debt, my attorney told me the only thing I could do was declare bankruptcy. He was wrong. I paid off every penny.

Now I pay cash for everything, but I still don't have a job. Instead, I get up every morning and decide whether I want to go to work or not. Sometimes I do - for 3 or 4 hours. But about half the time, I decide to read, go for a walk, swim, or ride my bike or just take a mini-vacay.

I know what it's like to be broke. And I know what it's like to have everything you want. And I know that you - like me - can decide which one it's going to be. It's really as simple and as easy as that. This is the reason I created My Cash Retirement System.

My Cash Retirement System doesn't require "education". I'm a high school dropout.

My Cash Retirement System doesn't require "luck". I've had more than my share. But I'm not promising you that you'll make as much money as I have. And you may do better, some already have.

My Cash Retirement System doesn't require "talent". Just enough brains to follow my directions.

What does it require?

BELIEF. Enough to take a chance. Enough to absorb what I'll teach you. Enough to put the system into action. If you do just that... nothing more, nothing less, the results will be hard to believe!

You don't have to give up your job. But you may soon be making so much money that you'll be able to.

What I'm telling you is probably contrary to what you've heard your friends, your family, your teachers, and maybe everyone else you know.

I can only ask you one question...

How many of them are millionaires?

So it's up to you...

A month today, you can be nothing more than 30 days older or you can be on your way to getting rich. You decide.

The wisest man I ever knew told me something I never forgot: "Most people are too busy earning a living to make any money".

Don't take as long as I did to find out he was right.

===> Let's Get You Set-Up in My Cash Retirement Today!


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P.O. Box 3255, Dubuque, Ia, 52004-3255, USA

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