Brand New - Two Buck Purchase with 90K Potential!

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  Hi!    Yep, it's true, a BRAND New Advertising Income Project is  being launched by Frank Hester and you can benefit from  early positioning and fantastic leverage.    A single $2-lifetime purchase can generate, over time, as  much as $90,000 or MORE!    It truly is incredible and packed with fantastic value (Make  sure to check out the "PIF Pool" Information below):    Look at all these jam-packed features:    - 2x20 Personally Forced Matrix with an affordable    $2/position price point (This provides Massive DEPTH so    you can earn on people and positions far below you!)    - Unlimited "Stacking" available and encouraged. (This    provides massive leverage for those who stack their    positions right when they join - it s a smart move!)    - A 100% Matrix Match on the earnings of all of your direct    referrals. (This means the potential for essentially    unlimited income depth!)    - And, yes, a "PIF Pool" that very well could become the    "Killer App" that will help Crypto Pros explode to    hundreds of thousands of members over time.    Why is the PIF Pool so potentially powerful?    Because it provides a virtually guaranteed ad co-op so, yes,  finally, those who can t or won t promote can still build a  downline.    And, of course, once they know they can earn without  referring they ll start referring!    THAT is what could make the PIF Pool the  Killer App of 2020!    So, join NOW, before the masses and before your team and  referrals join through someone else.    Fortunes will be made with Crypto Pros so time is of the  essence.    Join now, fund your account, get positioned then tell your  friends (    You AND your bank account will be glad you did!    Thanks and I look forward to welcoming you to my team!      Mick Logan      P.S. - Once you Join, you ll be invited to join the         Crypto PRIVATE Facebook group where you can         connect with other members and Frank Hester, the         owner/founder.    P.P.S. - Frank Hester is an experienced, successful owner         and who has had a completely proprietary script         built for to provide you and your         team the best experience to earn and build your         advertising portfolio.           Frank is absolutely dedicated to creating a Long         Term Advertising-Income system and you are invited         to join with us now during the early days of         launch.                  
HercuList GOLD ad: 35 credits


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