SILVER at Half-Price AND some F.R.E.E.

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HercuList GOLD ad: 35 credits

  Half-Price SILVER and even some F.R.E.E.    MOST Amazing End-of-Year Give-Away!    May I GIVE you some SILVER?  Then offer you some at HALF Price?    And Residual Income..  and Products that GAIN in Value !?  (try that with energy drinks..LOL )    WHY would I do that?  Because Giving Away Silver beats WORKING!    We need NOW more than EVER to Switch..  Into SURVIVAL Mode regardless of politics..    We also have MOST Delicious 25 yr. MEALS!    SEE SILVER Opportunity on OPP page!  OPP number 3 on Big OPP page!    You may Opt OUT of the free Silver offer easily..  on second page of Silver Website..  Just hit Join instead of SURVEY..  Either Way- Come SEE this Fabulous Non-Complicated Program!    AND see the Most Powerful HEALTH Substance that exists..  ( OPP number One)
HercuList GOLD ad: 35 credits


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